Thursday, December 13, 2012


Hey! My name's Fyre. Here's one thing I should probably let you know: I'm a dragon. Though I guess that's kinda obvious because of the picture. That dragon's not me, by the way..But, don't flip out or anything. I'm not some huge man eating monster or anything.  I guess I should say what I've been doing or something.  Well...
Nothing special today, really. But don't worry! This won't be a boring blog or anything. Stuff WILL actually happen.
I'm sure you're wondering what dragons even really do. Well, lots of stuff.
Most dragons live alone or in small(and I mean like two or three) groups.  Each dragon or group has its own territory, like a forest, a valley, a gorge, or something.  We will fight trespassing dragons. And how do they know the borders? We claw trees, like grizzly bears do.  But our clawmarks are deeper and longer then a bears.  Often if it's a group of dragons living in an area, it's a family, but sometimes friends stay together.  I live with family right now, but when I'm older, I'll find my own territory. Oh yeah, and a dragon can conquer territory from another.  If someone decides to try conquering, he'll have to fight every dragon who lives in the territory. Any dragons who might be reading this out there, well, don't even think about conquering my territory!
Now, I'm new to blogging so I'm not the greatest at it yet. If you have any questions or tips or anything, let me know! Write a comment!