Thursday, January 31, 2013

Sorry, Haven't Posted in Months!

I'm soooo sorry that I haven't posted in a long time! I hope I haven't kept you waiting too long! And to those who just showed up here, welcome!
So, I'm back and better than ever! I've got plenty of stuff to talk about. But I'm not sure what to talk about first! So I'm asking you: what do you want me to talk about? Dragon breeds, dragons' ways of life, the world....anything really! Cuz those dragon breeds that I told you about like a month ago are just a few! And the ways of life: we haven't even scratched the surface, as the saying goes. I guess the saying makes sense.  And the world, well, if you're wondering whether I mean Earth or if I mean the world of dragons, well...either one! So just let me know what you want me talk about. I'll talk about books, movies, video games, YouTube, whatever! Just PLEASE leave me comments!

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