Wednesday, December 19, 2012

December 19, 2012

Hey guys! What's up?  
Alright, so I said stuff about kinds of dragons yesterday. Well I figured today I'd talk about them. Just to let you know, these kinds of dragons are not in any particular order or the only kinds out there! And also, dragons  from different kinds can mate, that's why lots of kinds of us dragons don't have 'breed' names: we inherit abilities and appearances from both parents.
1. Ember dragon
Description- glowing scales; barbed tail; eye color- gold, orange, yellow, green, or silver; scales color- black, gold, green, or red; wings- broad, attached at shoulders, up to 20 foot wingspan; poison-no; claws- hooked, retractable; teeth- fangs do not stick out of mouth when closed; horns- curled, usually from two to four on head; warmth from fire inside emanates from scales, not enough to burn.
2. Jewel dragon
Description- tough scales; arrowhead tail(the kind of tail most people imagine when they imagine dragons); eye color- green, yellow, gold, hazel, brown, or blue; scales color- jade green, gold, ruby red, sapphire blue, silver, crystal white; wings- attached just below shoulders, up to 16 foot wingspan; poison-no; claws- strong,  white; teeth- fangs don't stick out; horns-straight, usually two on head
3. Frost dragon
Description- smooth scales; hooked tail; eye color- blue, silver, pale green; scales color- icy reflective( scales are like ice but you can't see through them), frosty white, thick snowy white, pale winter sky blue; wings- attached below shoulder blades, up to 20 foot wingspan, frost-like fur just around wing joints(to keep the muscles warm so that the dragon can fly easily in cold; poison-no; claws- hooked, sharp, serrated, retractable; teeth- fangs don't stick out; horns-like icicles that point upward on a slant (not straight up, but more back), usually 3-5 on head

Don't have time to add more today. See ya! 


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

I'm back!

Hey, guys! I'm back! Sorry I took so long to post again. My one friend (also a dragon, obviously, and who wishes to keep her name anonymous for now) told me some things she thinks you might be wondering.    The first question was: Are the groups of dragons called anything, like Clans or Packs? My answer: No. The groups are too small, usually just a mother, father, and hatchlings, or a small group of friends. So they can't really be considered clans or packs.   
Next question.   Do we dragons hunt? The answer: Well, yes, we do! We hunt all sorts of things. Small stuff like mice, squirrels, voles, rabbits, fish, birds, hawks. And bigger stuff like deer, caribou, cows. But also we eat berries and nuts and sometimes herbs. (but to me, herbs are nasty,though they're supposed to give you strength and energy)  And also part of the question was do hatchlings hunt? Well, hatchlings are taught to hunt before they even learn to fly! Obviously they would start with fish and rabbits, since deer are easier to catch when you fly.

NOW, questions from you guys! 

"Umm... What kind of dragon are you?"

There aren't names for all species of dragons, but here's a picture I found that looks similar to me. Except I look younger and a little less vicious. :)

See ya!!! ~FYRE~


Friday, December 14, 2012


 Hey! It's me again! (Obviously.)
Now, as you know, dragons fly. A hatchling begins flight training once it's about a year old or so, and after about another year they can fly, but not that well. It takes practice, practice, practice. Often that gets boring, so the dragon who trains them tries to come up with games. Not that they are always fun. We have to capture the wind with our wings, use it to hold us aloft and glide us along...The best kind of wind, in my opinion, is the storm wind. It's challenging to stay in the air, but insanely fun to get tossed around, up and down, over and under, upside down and up again! Remember the hurricane like a month ago? That was the greatest, better than any little summer rainstorm.

Today I have another thing to ask you. Ask me questions and share the blog with your friends! The more questions to answer, the more interesting this blog will get! (Hopefully.) See ya!


Thursday, December 13, 2012


Hey! My name's Fyre. Here's one thing I should probably let you know: I'm a dragon. Though I guess that's kinda obvious because of the picture. That dragon's not me, by the way..But, don't flip out or anything. I'm not some huge man eating monster or anything.  I guess I should say what I've been doing or something.  Well...
Nothing special today, really. But don't worry! This won't be a boring blog or anything. Stuff WILL actually happen.
I'm sure you're wondering what dragons even really do. Well, lots of stuff.
Most dragons live alone or in small(and I mean like two or three) groups.  Each dragon or group has its own territory, like a forest, a valley, a gorge, or something.  We will fight trespassing dragons. And how do they know the borders? We claw trees, like grizzly bears do.  But our clawmarks are deeper and longer then a bears.  Often if it's a group of dragons living in an area, it's a family, but sometimes friends stay together.  I live with family right now, but when I'm older, I'll find my own territory. Oh yeah, and a dragon can conquer territory from another.  If someone decides to try conquering, he'll have to fight every dragon who lives in the territory. Any dragons who might be reading this out there, well, don't even think about conquering my territory!
Now, I'm new to blogging so I'm not the greatest at it yet. If you have any questions or tips or anything, let me know! Write a comment!